Design Above All—Toronto Architecture

I have always loved Nikon, ever since I was old enough to notice my father using one to take pictures. And I love Porsche, ever since I first laid eyes on the blur of a ‘whale tail’ 911 Turbo as it roared past me on the autobahn when I was eight. I’ve been able to afford the former, the latter will be forever out of my reach, well almost. When Nikon and Porsche joined together for a photo contest, looking for rooftop design and architecture, it was a contest to good to pass up.

Boston and the Bruins

My wife has always been a Boston Bruin fan so when they made it to the Stanley Cup finals, being the middle of June, we couldn’t stand idly by and watch from the comfort of our own igloo, it was already starting to melt. So we decided to make the trek down to the beautiful city of Boston.